
Here’s Who Will Win At The 2018 Oscars

Every year, we get our hopes up and make opinions on what we think were the best movies of the year (well, I do at least), only for them to be buried away along with all the other opinions we have about pop culture and the like. Along with that, every year, we try to justify why our favorites should be recognized. And, just like every year, we blame the faulty system the Academy uses to determine what was the best film. Was Slumdog Millionaire really “better” than The Dark Knight? Did The King’s Speech really have more of a timeliness than the zeitgeist of The Social Network? Will we even remember Argo or The Artist by decades end? Aside from Moonlight winning best picture last year, I think the last movie to win the big prize that really asked society to take a closer look at itself was American Beauty.