Film TV

Spring Break Forever: Harmony Korine’s Unlikely Wave of Success

Harmony Korine has always been that outlier of a filmmaker – one doesn’t seem to figure out where the artist ends and the man begins. And during his nearly 30 year career, he’s always played that card like a magician: you don’t call upon him to show you a trick. Rather, he calls upon you.


Too Big to Fail: The Inevitable Bubble-Burst of Soundcloud Rap

There’s been a musical revolution going on in the past year. Young hip-hop artists have been gaining notoriety for their “bad boy” images and excessive lifestyles. It’s a new form of punk rock, some people call it, where all the resources needed are available to them and all that’s required is just a little attitude and emotion.


What Exactly Is Just Like Heaven?

It was around this time a year ago when it was announced that FYF (Fuck Yeah Fest) was done for in Los Angeles. But not only that, Texas’s Day for Night and Free Press festivals had also gone out the window, all as a result of their founders and festival runners being accused of sexual assault. For music fans in those areas, it was a deal-breaker – a heartbreak from what were probably the most eclectic music festivals in the U.S.


Meet Boio: Brooklyn’s Next Best Psychedelic Duo

Brooklyn has always been a hot bed for multi-cultural pop, ever since the tech-boom of the early 2000s which caused a mass migration across the East River. And back then, the bands didn’t focus on one type of music. It wasn’t all one sound, but they were all different sounds, focused around one idea.