
Review/Rewind: 2004’s ‘Birth’

Many people slept on Birth upon its release back in 2004, which is a shame because it’s arguably one of the most underrated films of the past 20 years. Jonathan Glazer has only done three features throughout his career (so far) – 2000’s Sexy Beast, 2004’s Birth, and 2013’s Under the Skin. Interestingly enough, Glazer makes his career possible by sustaining himself through music video and commercial productions, putting his cinematic touch on just about every game-changing music video (see Radiohead’s “Karma Police,” “Street Spirit (Fade Out),” and Jamiroquai’s “Virtual Insanity”). Given that it took him ten years to develop Under the Skin due to its  numerous rewrites and novelty camera technology, it was Birth that took his career more toward the surreal.


How Projecting a Shade of Mystery Leads to Becoming an Object of Obsession

There’s a plethora of artists forging a following through social media, but only a few have become ­­­true subjects of fascination by just staying silent.