
The Era of Good Feeling was a time of peace and rest following the War of 1812, met with unity, hospitality, and a charmed enlightenment. It was a period of moral growth, a sign that the country had nowhere to go but up.

Welcome to the Era of Good Feeling – a hub for all film, TV, and music related content focusing on discovery, criticism, interviews, news, and culture.

12803115_10205874019385017_8087332108723270854_n.jpgALEXANDER DE KONING – WRITER/EDITOR

Prop man for Francis Ford Coppola, creative intern at Annapurna Pictures, and mentee of Werner Herzog. After graduating from UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television, Alexander De Koning has been blessed with opportunities that he frequently looks back on. Working as a production assistant at CBS and Sony Pictures and writing for L.A. Magazine, he’s been using these opportunities as a way of funding and supporting his own projects. After becoming a Finalist for the ABC|Disney CTDI Writing Program, he most recently produced his short film “It Came From Outer Space” in Spain under the guidance of Werner Herzog.